In the summer of '08 my life was completely different. I was working as a cashier at two part-time jobs, determined to stay single, and newly moved out of my mother's house for the first time. I was also buying TONS of clothing. I bought more clothes in '08 than in the four years since, I think. Gap's employee discount has always been excellent. Combine that with spending 15-30 hours a week surrounded by clothes....and the wardrobe is gonna grow. One of the *big* colors that year was this saturated red-voilet...and I loved it! It's one of those "made for me" colors. I bought at least four shirts in it. Around August of that year I was at Ulta with my mother and I OPI's new La Collection De France! The perfect polish to match my shirts in *that* color. It was called Louvre Me, Louvre Me Not....and I was in love. I also also struggling with money because part-time jobs mean variable paychecks...and I was spending way too much on clothes. I had to pass on it. It wasn't easy to do. It was so perfect!
In the years since, I've visited it many times...heaving a sigh of relief that it was still part of the core collection. I could wait....I had to wait.
...wait's over!
Tip: Don't paint your nails black six times in 24 hours. Cuticle sadness! |
Thanks to an outstanding swap....I traded something exceedingly rare for a big parcel of mostly OPI goodness....I have it! It is *exactly* what I hoped it would be!'s a little sheerer than I'd have liked. This is three coats. BUT...three coats without even a hint of visible nail line! It flatters my skin-tone as wonderfully as the shirts do and the shimmer is small, but twinkles with hints of fuchsia and blue.
It's the ideal compliment to the shirts! I couldn't be more pleased! C'est parfait!
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