I'm a fairly active member at
Makeup Alley's
Nail Board. It's good for tips, opinions, and all of that kind of thing...but what really makes it is some of the awesome girls there! Inkadinka is one of the biggest stand-outs in the crowd....and now
she's blogging!
What's so awesome about her? Well...there's....this....
Photo belongs to inkadinkadew.blogspot |
Cheesypoof nails! They're made with real cheez dust. Dare you to commandeer that, Ciate, you
...what else? Well...there's this neon pedicure that even *I* like...and I'm picky about neons...
Photo belongs to inkadinkadew.blogspot |
So....please go visit
her blog (and stop by and say hello at the MUA Nail Board, if you're so inclined)...and keep up the wonderfulness, Inka!
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