Sunday, September 16, 2012

Old Sneaker Rehab

I bought these shoes a couple of years ago, for Halloween I think. I wore them once, and stashed them away under my bed. Waaaaay back in June, I picked up some Tulip fabric spray paint in silver glitter and in white as part of a birthday present for my firstborn. It was the easiest stuff I have ever used. I wanted do use it again! GLITTER ALL THE THINGS! Then I remembered these sneakers. 

fished out and cleaned up
Once I had the sneakers un-dust-bunnied, I taped off all the spots that I didn't want to cover in delicious glitter. This took for-ev-er. I then packed the shoes full of paper to keep the insides clean.

I hate prep work.
 Once the saga of the tape was complete, it was time for my favorite part: GLITTER! I sprayed the shit out of these shoes. Then I sprayed them some more. I let them dry for a couple of days before wearing them, though I really should send them through the wash once to set the paint.
On the rare occasion that the sun comes out here, they are super glittery. Otherwise, they look like this. Not nearly as awesome. 
It was cheap and easy. If I had bought the sneakers and the paint specifically for this, I think it would have cost less than $20. But since I had all this stuff on hand already, it was free! The best kind of project!
This is the best picture I can get until Fall.  We have no sun.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I wish the sun would have actually come out so I could have gotten good pictures. They are so shiny!


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