Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sinful Colors Bali Mist

I want to kick myself.  I've had Bali Mist for *months* and only got around to trying it this week.  I gasped after the first nail.  It's that striking.

over Sinful Colors Inkwell (almost-black purple)

Holycheeseeatingpogostickingshimpjugglingfuckontoast, no?  You should see it in person.  No...I mean that litrally...BUY THIS...wear it...see it in person and enjoy the brain-breakingly-awesome, $2, core collection, you-can-buy-this-anytime, flabbergasting beauty for yourself!  You need to, partly because my camera couldn't handle just how purple the purple part of the shift is.  See the tip of my pinkie nail?  Amplify it.  Brighten it.  It was PURPLE.  Sadly, the best my camera could do most of the time was this...

Not even close!!  Oh got the eye-popping green shift just fine.

GUH-REEEEEEEEEEEN!!!  Both warm and cool greens too!  Almost blue at some extremes, but never quite.  In-between the extremes of purple and green, it does a dusty green-gold for a moment.

This stuff is just made of pure win!  ...and you need it!  If not now, during the next Walgreen's 99c Sinful Colors sale...whenever that is.  It needs a dark base to work its magic (and looks kinda horfy in the bottle), but just one coat and it becomes this perfection.  Wow!

Oh...and Happy New Year!  May I be the last to wish you's getting worn out!  See you soon, with Sinful Colors Haute Rebel to show you!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I love this one over black. Also try Let Me Go on black--it's one of my favorite Sinful Colors.


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