Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Octopus Party Star Tar and Plums the Word

*this is a press sample. I was not asked to review these, and the opinions are 100% my own*

It's a veritable octopus hoedown in here lately! I know, I know...a little spammy. But these are some pretty fabulous polishes and I haven't shared the whole collection! Today we have the final two in my collection: Star Tar and Plums the Word.

First up, Star Tar. It is a superdy-duper dense glitter. There are silver, black, and holo bits all floating in there. The sizes range from ultra teeny tiny to medium-large. I wish I had a camera attached to my face, because sitting in the low-light of my living room last night, this polish was reflecting like diamonds all over the place. It was amazing. (Maybe I should look into making gifs?) I used 4 thin coats here...and again no topcoat. It was really smooth to the touch. If I were wearing this out-and-about, I would definitely topcoat it, just to protect it. But unlike some glitters, it doesn't require a topcoat to keep it from the "almost textured" territory.

Next up, Plums the Word. This is a whole bunch of purple, blue, and maybe pink glitter in a purply jelly base. I only needed two coats for a good layer, but I did three below just to be safe. I really like this color, but of course I wish it were more pink/fuchsia...but that's just me. (Maybe I can plant some ideas into Mr. Octopus' head for spring and summer?)


  1. I really like these Octopus Party polishes. I'm going to have to order some!

    1. Oh you should. Ink or Swim is a must-have. and I'm a bit in love with star tar. I can't wait to show the rest of them!

  2. Ooh I love the purple shade is looks amazing! I am so addicted to purple that I even tried dyeing my hair purple today but you can't really tell how it turned out since there is no more sunlight :< will have to see tomorrow! (hopefully its ok) :D

    1. If your purple doesn't show, try leaving the color in for a few hours.

      and yes, that purple is amazing!


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