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Use It or Lose It: Week Two

Even though it is Halloween, I decided to keep posting these. I am afraid that if I put it off, I will put it off indefinitely. I am flaky like that sometimes. So click along to read what I thought about my accidentally moisturizingly themed week!

Freeman Spa Professional Moisturizing Cream
I'm a long-time fangirl, and never met a Freeman product I didn't like a little. This stuff smells and feels like the lotion they use at the pedicure shops, which is  nice. It absorbs well, and doesn't give me "slippy feet". I wish it were mintier though.
rating: 9/10

Vaseline Healthy Hand & Nail Cream
Years ago, Vaseline had the best hand cream ever. Then they discontinued it. I cried. Then this stuff came out. It is not the same. It is flowery scented and mildy greasy. But it is nice to have for emergencies and is available nearly everywhere.
rating: 6/10

Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lotion
Thicker than the thickest stuff on earth. Smells like magic and happiness. Has to be stored upside down here, otherwise it causes much swearing when attempting to use. Did I mention is smells divine? Which is good, because the scent doesn't fade.  It is fabulous for dry skin.
rating: 10/10

Ulta Oil-Free Sunscreen
I bought this because it was $1.80 on clearance around Christmas. Its a bit greasy, a bit shiny, and unsuitable for facial use. But it doesn't break me out or irritate and it keeps me from burning. I probably wouldn't pay full price for it.
rating: 5/10

Dermalogica Essential Cleansing Solution
Its ok. I don't notice a huge difference between this and the Cerave stuff, honestly. Definitely not enough to justify the price difference. I do prefer the smell of this stuff, however and aesthetically the packaging is better. It is gentle, non-irritating, and a decent cleanser. Its worth trying once.
rating: 6/10

Week two, done and done! This week accidentally turned into Operation: Dry Skin Fixers. We had a crazy-for-us hot/dry spell, so I was willing to try anything to not be miserable. I'm writing this on Monday...and I still haven't decided what I am going to try next! Are you still with me here? What have you tried to use this week? Did you finish any products? Are you posting your progress on a blog or Tumblr? Drop the link in the comments, and we can arrange a link party! I plan on posting this every Tuesday until the world ends, or I finish my stash...whichever comes first.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the Use It or Lose It tag. I'm on a mission to thin my hoard and would love to have you join in!

Other Stash Fighters:

Olivia on Tumblr


  1. It's great that you have a few products in here that you actually love :)

    1. I'm trying to be honest-as-possible. I buy so much, that things I love often get pushed to the side. Hopefully, at some point I will have things whittled down to just the awesome stuff.

  2. Ironically I am working through my lotion stash right now and I am so close to finishing at least one bottle this week.

    1. Woot! I actually am nearly finished a tube of lip ointment, a tube of shaving lotion, and a bottle of face wash. Next week might be about finishing things.

  3. How did I miss this fantascticness?!?! I'm in!

    1. Yay! Its actually a little less painful than I thought it was going to be!

  4. I need to do this.


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